Korinne works with Companies, Teams and Entrepreneurs who are …

  • unclear about their Purpose and “Big Why” of what they do

  • feeling stuck and lacking momentum

  • overwhelmed / under pressure

  • doubting their abilities and may not have realized their self-limiting beliefs

  • noticing that they could communicate more effectively

  • frustrated  

  • not enough time to get everything done

  • finding that their leadership style is not working

  • looking to increase productivity and attendance, while keeping the welfare of staff of paramount importance.

They want to …

  • be laser-focussed

  • empowered

  • thrive

  • be successful and

  • gain recognition for their achievements.

 Korinne is an Inspirational Speaker and Workshop leader.

As well as the topics Korinne speaks about to address specific challenges, she focusses on the mindset people need to turn things around. So, they become self-assured, laser-focused, confident business leaders/ owners to gain momentum and thrive. 

Result: They have a clear focus and strategy to meet their objectives, with the mindset and tool box to deal with future issues.


My Dad was an Entrepreneur and my mum a teacher – so I guess I have followed in their footsteps! Independent from an early age, I wanted to be an Entrepreneur, like my dad!

At that point, I was terrified of Public Speaking – so I never thought I’d be a teacher like my mum, or anything like that. 

When I left school, I got a job in banking for a few years and ended up doing foreign exchange and dealing on the money markets.  

The travel industry had always appealed to me. So, when an opportunity came up with Thomas Cook as a Foreign Exchange Manager, I went for it. I was having fun!  

I still had a strong desire to work for myself, be successful and help other people in some way whilst enjoying more freedom to do the things I really wanted to do.  I guess I felt guilty about this when I was working for another company, but the desire wouldn’t go away!  

Of course, I also wondered whether I had what it takes to go it alone and had a certain amount of fear! (I knew I was strong, resilient, resourceful and reasonably intelligent though!) 

I later worked for British Airways. One day, my Manager said a job had come up in the Training Department and she believed I should go for it. I said; “No way! I’m terrified of standing up in front of other people and speaking!” 

Well, she coaxed me into applying and guess what – I got the job! This was a huge challenge for me – and I overcame my fear of public speaking.  

I was promoted to a Training Manager, working on major projects in BA. I realized that I could do this all for myself if I really wanted! I had wanted my own business for as long as I could remember, and the time was ripe for me to do this!  

So, I took the plunge and left BA and started on my own at the beginning of the Millennium –it was officially the 1st Jan 2000! 

So, I devised a plan of action. At the time, my English partner was living in Barbados, so I also took the bold step of moving there to start my business.  

At that time, I specialized in Leadership and Customer Service. So, so I approached several Companies in Barbados and I won a contract with Sandy Lane Hotel, working with their Directors in a Leadership Program, as well as working with other major Companies there. 

Now I am helping people to grow and thrive through Conference, Speaking Events, Workshops and I also have Masterclass programs where people also receive 1:1 Coaching with me as part these.

I am helping people to grow their businesses and overcome challenges as I had to. I am passionate about helping help others who want this too and to be the best possible version of who they really are. This is so exciting and I am blessed to have found my true vocation and to be living my dream.

What’s also amazing is that I am being invited to speak at events and conferences internationally! So, there I was, terrified of public speaking and now speaking to hundreds of people! This is amazing!