As featured on WSA TV

Find Your Entrepreneurial Flow!

Speaker, Transformation Coach and Course Creator

I am passionate about maximising business impact by communicating authentically with heart and having conversations that honour the people you serve, your company and yourself. 

I help heart-centred Business Owners who want to get to consistently turning a profit while communicating with impact and in alignment with their core values. 

I love to speak about this! Contact me HERE

Do you struggle to be taken seriously?

Do you wish you could say what you do and don’t want without being afraid of upsetting anyone?

 Contact me HERE

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A Great read!

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, written by Richard Bach and illustrated by Russell Munson, is a fable in novella form about a seagull who is trying to learn about life and flight, and a homily about self-perfection. Bach wrote it as a series of short stories that were published in Flying magazine in the late 1960s. Learn more HERE

My Story as an Entrepreneur

I am a Millennium Entrepreneur! Because Thrive Coaching & Training was born on 01 Jan 2000.

I started my career in Finance in Guernsey and then realised that I was losing myself in the system, and my hopes and dreams seemed to becoming more and more out-of-reach.

So, I took the plunge and had a complete change, leaving my island home, family and friends to take up a Customer Service role with British Airways at Heathrow Airport and then Leadership roles, one being Duty Manager in the Lost Baggage Department, being challenged on a daily basis!

Then one day, my Manager encouraged me to apply for a role in the British Airways Training Department – well, I had a phobia of speaking in front of others, so I found myself in a state of fear even thinking about it. She was a brilliant Manager and recognised my strengths and believed in me.

So, I decided to go for it, was successful and then of course the reality kicked in! I worked hard, built up my resilience, my confidence and before long I realised that I had found my vocation. What a revelation and I haven’t looked back!

My mum was a teacher and my dad an entrepreneur so these things are in my genes and I had always dreamed of being an entrepreneur. So, at the end of 1999, I finally took the plunge and started my own training company and was doing both!

As a business owner, you will know only too well that it takes longer than we think to get going! I researched this and that and wanted everything to be spot on – and then I realised that I just had to go for it and let thing evolve naturally.

After all, I started this because I wanted to create a life more in alignment with my goals and dreams! And my aim was and still is, to bring more heart into the way we do business. And to help business owners communicate with impact and at the same time in ways that feel genuine to them.

So many business owners struggle with truly valuing what they do and expressing themselves in a way that people take them seriously.

I had the same struggle until I learned how to do this in an authentic way and realised that less is more in most cases. Fewer words spoken calmly and genuinely has 10 times more impact and my clients are achieving great success in their businesses too.

If you would like my help, or even just to explore this with me, then book a time for us to chat HERE.